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20 21 pre season talk

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:36 pm
by baskets-r-us
Snow is on the ground which means basketball season is soon upon us. Would love to see some pre-season rankings for each region top players to watch interesting story lines state tournament predictions, etc. to jump start the conversation.

I'm a Region 8 Fan and they haven't had much to talk about besides Trenton placing 3rd which was awesome! I think the region will come down to 3 teams Kenmare Trenton and Parshall..Kenmare returns alot with upcoming star Kate Zimmer and a bunch of help around her which by the way in my opinion her and the big girl are the best combo..Trenton will be great with 3 starters and 6th woman Archer if that 6'3 girl that I seen play volleyball earlier they will be tough...Parshall which I think I think is the dark horse...they return one of the better guards if not senior athlete of district and region Jayln Hall plus 4 year starter Wynter Deane inside..also with Ivy Fox transferring to Parshall that will help with the absence of KK and they had a good group of underclassmen returning...Seen Parshall signed Melichi Four Bear to coach in Parshall and to hear that Kelly Roemich will not be coaching in Stanley? I see the region going
4.Divide County

Re: 20 21 pre season talk

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:43 pm
by Flip
plenty of discussion in this thread