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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:18 pm
by Number7
Anyone know if there is a WDA baseball website? and if so what is it?  EDC website is  in the process of being updated

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:47 pm
by Strike3?
Number7 wrote:Anyone know if there is a WDA baseball website? and if so what is it?  EDC website is  in the process of being updated

I dont know about WDA website but there is a new baseball site for ND. Its called Its undergoing repairs right now, I think and its gonna be really nice in a couple days to a week i heard. Its suppose to have results,pictures,profiles,stories,even player profiles it might have. Im not all sure and it will have forums like this where you can post and everything. It also has downloads and a bunch of stuff on baseball. Theres downloads that show you how to throw certain pitches, and hitting information. Its kinda neat. The creator of this website is Jon Gums who does the wrestling website ( dakota grappler ) so check it out if you want. Its under repair right now though.