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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:06 am
by B
I was wondering if anyone else had any opinions on this "garbage" of playing 3 games in 8 days.

I don't think it's happening anywhere for 05-06, but prior to that I know our Region was doing it.  With the large Regions in 9-man projected for 07-09 is this going to happen again??

We had a string of injuries that occured during that "brutal" stretch of the season for 4 years in a row.  They were all obvious "fatigue" injuries. ex.  We agreed with the opposing team to "stretch" the 3rd game to Sat. (3 game in 9 days) Our starting corner/wide reciever jumps up for an interception, lands perfect and tears his calf muscle.  (NO CONTACT!!)

In my opinion, the human body is not made for that kind of abuse, you need time to heal.  You expect play one game shorly after another if you make playoffs but doing it before or leading into the playoffs is terrible for the kids.  Add the fact that most 9-man teams don't substitute because they can't.

Why not start 9-man a week earlier so this doesn't happen???



PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:41 am
by Indians Alumni
I agree with you 100%.  Football is a sport that requires some time to heal!  even having two games within 6 days is pushing it.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:50 am
by js2125
It is more like 3 games in 8 days. I was ridiculous to watch how many players started dropping out during that span of time. It doesn't matter how big or fast they were. The fatigue, bumps and bruises catches up to all of them and takes a trememdous toll on the body.

It also takes away from prep time, and not being prepared can lead to just as many mistakes and injuries as anything else. It causes a lot of kids to let up those last couple steps to "protect" themselves when actually they are setting themselves up for more injuries.

It has to be kept at one game a week. That maymeans not playing everyone in the region and rotating the team you don't play on a yearly basis. You will still have your rivalries, that won't be lost and what will be gained, the safety of the players, greatly outweighs missing a game.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:33 am
by mags
agreed that should not happen. my school is AA and we have a stretch at the end of the season were we play sat. and then the next tuesday.. now if that is not bad enuff i think (dont quote me) but i think if u are a playoff team u would then play the next friday nite or sat. nite in the first round.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:30 am
by rep
i think the reason they can't stretch the season out is because all of the boys' and girls' season are supposed to be the same length?

which doesn't make much sense to me because there are obviously a bunch more volleyball than football games. but, when you are dealing with things like title ix, logic basically goes right out the window.