football classes same as basketball classes

The teams in Class A

football classes same as basketball classes

Postby bigpoppakdog » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:15 am

Class A has more poor teams than they have good teams, and from what i've heard they are going to 9 man next year. 9 man has some good teams, but also many poor teams. Why not move some of the schools that are traditionally good and join them up with 11 man and move some of the traditionally poor 11 man teams down to 9 man and thus make the travel time much more reasonable and make the competition more enjoyable? I know enrollment is always the consideration, but why not move napolean up for a while or move r/t hebron and mott up for a while and some of those other 9 man teams that put out good football teams and move some of the consistently poorer 11 man teams down. Looking at the scores this year in 9 man there are an unbelievable amount of 60 point blowouts. 60 point wins was unheard of in the hey day of 9 man. Heck, scoring 60 points to me is something I cant even imagine doing. I'm not trying to bash 9 man since I grew up playing 9 man. The towns nowdays in A 11 man use to compete against all of the 9 man teams in my day. Also would be nice to have those rivalries again. When you travel 3 hours for a football game there is no rivalry or tradition there. But, when you travel 30 mins to a neighboring town there is that element of excitement because of the dads in the stands who remember playing against that town years ago. There has to be a way to set up districts again that will eliminate the insane travel trips to towns you probably will never step foot in again, and bring back the tradition and rivalries that were established. You have beulah, hazen, new salem glen ullin, richardton/taylor/hebron, mott/regent, center/stanton, killdeer, grant county in the same area. I believe these schools can all compete together in football as well as basketball.

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